Encoder: What is it?

Date: 2023.12.11   Views: 351

An encoder is a device that encodes and converts signals (such as bit streams) or data into a form that can be used for communication, transmission, and storage.

Encoder is a device that converts angular or linear displacement into electrical signals. The former is called a code disk, while the latter is called a code ruler. According to the reading method, encoders can be divided into two types: contact type and non-contact type. Contact type uses brush output, with one brush contacting the conductive or insulating area to indicate whether the code status is "1" or "0"; the non-contact receiving sensitive element is a photosensitive element or a magnetic sensitive element. When using a photosensitive element, the status of the code is represented as "1" or "0" by the transparent and opaque areas. 

According to the working principle, encoders can be divided into two types: incremental and absolute. An incremental encoder converts displacement into a periodic electrical signal, which is then converted into a counting pulse. The number of pulses is used to represent the magnitude of displacement.